Monday, March 8, 2010

Artificial Selection in Plants and Animals

Artificial selection is a type of selection in which the individuals of a species are chosen to ensure the presence or absence of certain traits. This selection is usually repeated in successive generations until those attributes approach in the descendents of offspring. Artifical selection is known as selective breeding or unnatural selection. It is a great principle to farmers and breeders because they can use it to change the traits of their plants and animals. This can satisfy their needs and makes their lives easier. Artificial selection is commonly used to produce new breeds from the variable offspring of hybrid crosses. It can be accelerated by techniques such as plant tissue culture and the artificial insemination of livestock. Artificial selection can greatly affect the lives of farmers and breeders when they choose the desirable traits for their plants and/or animals such as disease resistance and high crop yield in plants, and high production and new desirable traits in animals.

When an organism undergoes an advantageous change that is passed to successive generations, it is known as natural selection. Artificial selection was utilized by Charles Darwin to be contrasted with natural selection in which differential reproduction of organisms with certain traits is attributed to improved survival or reproductive ability (“Darwinian fitness”).

Using artificial selection, farmers and breeders choose desirable traits for their plants mainly the ones that are disease-resistant and high crop yield. Plant breeders start off with variable hybrid plants and then apply selection to produce new crops, trees, and flowers with desirable traits. Plants without any desirable trait is less likely to survive as they do not have fertilizers and pesticides. In fact, they will eventually evolutes.

The domestication of plants began with wheat, peas, and olives and dramatically increased the amount of food produced, which helped support human production growth. The seeds from wild plants were actively collected, planted and cultivated. As food was harvested, seeds from best plants were selected for the planting of subsequent crops.

Farmers have cultivated numerous crops from the wild mustard by artificially selecting them for certain attributes.


These vegetables were cultivated from wild mustard. This evolution came through artificial selection.


The dramatic results of artificial selection that can be seen in Brassica; six different vegetables – kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, and cauliflower. They all have the sea cabbage, Brassica oleracea as their single common ancestor.

Ontario has a large agricultural sector which produces a wide range of foods. Among Ontario’s most valuable food crops are vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, onions, and potatoes; grains such as wheat, oats, and barley; corn (mostly for use as livestock feed); canola (for oil); soybeans; and fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, grapes, and strawberries.

Over many years of artificial selection, the frequency of desirable gene variants increases in the population.


This process has produced all of the major crop plants from their wild ancestors. By figuring this out, scientists are discovering clues about how to improve crops to change human needs. Most importantly, they would like to find out which gene variants were favored by ancient people (which genes were the targets of selection).

Using artificial selection, these plants have improved by quality. The one of the left was before artificial selection was used and the one on the right was after artificial selection.

Wild sunflowers Domestic sunflowers 

Wild tomatoes Domestic tomatoes

Teosinte plants Corn plants


With artificial selection in plants, plants can greatly improve by quality. Through artificial selection, the plants with the desired traits of each generation were selected to reproduce, creating the next generation. This was used by a technique (plant tissue culture) in which selected plants can be cloned and grown directly into new plants. These plants can cultivate vegetables, which are beneficial for farmers because they can sell it and make good money.

With artificial selection, animal characteristics can be changed by using a technique (artificial insemination of livestock). Farmers and breeders can change the characteristics of their animals by selecting for reproduction those individuals with the most desirable qualities such as speed in racehorses, milk production in cows, trail scenting in dogs.

Pigs are artificially selected to produce the largest amount of meat.



This picture shows how selecting for different traits of breeding has caused different dog breeds to have distinctive characteristics. (Dog breeds from left to right: top row- Alaskan Malamute, Basset Hound, Llasa Apsa; middle row- Beagle puppy, Shar Pei, Chow; bottom row- Pekinese, Tibetan Terrier, Pug.)

Breeding a male horse with excellent racing qualities with a healthy female horse so that the offspring will have the desired traits such as the racing qualities. Hens could be artificially selected to produce more eggs and cows can be artificially selected for a high milk production.

Advantages of Artificial Selection

  • It creates new desirable traits for plants and animals.
  • Animals can produce a lot of products (ex. pigs produce meat, hens produce eggs, and cows produce milk).
  • Farmers and breeders can attract a lot of consumers by selling their plants and the products produced by animals in their new desirable trait.
  • Artificial selection rules out weakness and disability.

    Disadvantages of Artificial Selection
  • If there is an environmental factor occurring on plants and animals that were domesticated through artificial selection, there will be a higher possibility of extinction.
  • With artificial selection, the society will be highly competitive.
  • This is very expensive so only wealthy farmers and breeders can afford it.
  • It is not according to God’s plan of creation.
  • It is inhumane so it can cause mutations or produce new problems.

In artificial selection, plants and animals can have their traits satisfy the needs of humans. Personally, I find artificial selection similar to genetic screening in designer babies that I did in my Unit 5 blog based on its facts, advantages, and disadvantages. The advantages of artificial selection include creating new desirable traits for plants and animals, animals producing a lot of products, farmers and breeders making good money, and also it gets rid of weakness and disability. Artificial selection gives farmers and breeders an opportunity to change the traits of their plants and animals. Based on my images that I showed about artificial selection in plants, they improved by quality and charcateristics such as disease-resistant and high crop yield. Animals can produce a lot of products. Pigs and produce the largest amount of meat and hens can produce a lot of eggs. There can be high milk production in cows and high speed in racehorses. On the other hand, there are disadvantages for artificial selection. From what I have learned from Unit 2 SBI 3U1, biodiversity is important to ensure survival. So if we completely create plants and animals with desirable traits and an environmental factors occurs, there will be a higher possibility of extinction but if there are different plants and animals with different traits, it will not affect the entire population so the resistant ones will reproduce and pass the genes and create a greater biodiversity. Artificial selection is very expensive so only wealthy farmers and breeders can afford it. It is not according to God’s plan of creation. It is God who created plants and animals and have given them traits so farmers and breeders cannot make any preferences. As I find that there are more disadvantages than advantages for artificial selection and there are severe consequences, artificial selection should not be used in plants and animals.



  1. Hi John, thanks for the informative and interesting blog! I would have phrases some things differently, and some phrases I didn't quite understand, but overall it was a good blog. I don't agree though that artificial selection should not be used at all, because in our current situation, society has a dependence on artificial selection, and the food that it produces. An alternative to stopping it completely is to use it more thoughtfully and responsibly. I found it odd that you have more evidence supporting artificial selection in your blog than evidence against, so I don't know where you got your opinion from. There is no denying the numerous strong points of artificial selection, like the ones you have described quite well in this blog,and that is why we can't stop it completely. You have not really given any of it's weak points though, but they are numerous as well. I disagree that it is not God's plan for creation, because if it wasn't, wouldn't he stop it? I believe it is part of God's plan, because everything happens for a reason and is part of God's plan.

  2. Wow. I found your blog entry very informative, you explained the process of selective breeding in a very detailed and orderly way. YOu showed me in a way that selective breeding was sort of like a "forced evolution". Although I do agree with Anil, you did'nt really touch base with the negative points of artificial selection as much as you did with its positive points. Selective breeding has many negative effects, like negative traits and weaknesses being passed down each generation because of the lack of variety which you explained briefly in the end.

  3. This blog is very interesting and very knowledgeable about the artifical selection.

  4. Wow thanks for the enlightening and fascinating blog! you explained the process of artificial selection in a very comprehensive and orderly way. Artificial selection is done by humans, like we choose who survives. natural selection is done by nature, survival of the fittest, only the strong survive. showed me in a way that artificial selection was sort of like a "evolution". you didn't really touch base with the negative points of artificial selection as much as you did with its positive points. Artificial selection has also negative effects, like negative traits and weaknesses being passed down each generation because of the lack of variety

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This blog is very informative about the artificial selection. I'm grateful that this tactics and techniques are invented. Now there are many plants that are easily to produce and helping us to survive in everyday life. The farmers and breeders chooses those plants because of their capability to grow in an environment that we lived. But there still a negative effects done by artificial selection. We are very dependent of this tactics. Forgetting that there's natural selection that makes living things as it is.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This blog is very educative and very enlightening. Artificial selection became commonly used by us humans and a very beneficial thing for us to support our own livelihood. As for this things, human decisions greatly affect nature and it's own organims, but whether it's for our own entertainment or our own purposes but still, I agree that artificial selection isn't a very recommendable thing we should do because as it became more influential, probably a reduction of the variation and biodiversity of organisms will occur.

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  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. How useful and influential this blog was! This blog showed that selective breeding not only known for its complex process but also for its effectiveness in terms of livelihood purposes. Through this blog, I've come to realize that artificial selection was really beneficial to mankind. Advantages such as improvement and enhancing of an organism's ability for a better outcome until it continues to pass its genes to the offspring. Thank you for sharing us an informative blog. Hope you continue sharing your knowledge to inspire more people.

  12. This blog is useful for some people that don't easily understand what is the meaning of artificial selection and how it does help humans.Artificial selection is a lot of help in humans in the way of maximizing the use of the farmland and somehow it helps us to grow more organism.

  13. The blog is useful to the people that didn't understand the meaning of artificial selection. The artificial selection is helpful to humans because in the way of maximizing the use of the farmland . It has an advantage that improving of the ability of organism to have a better outcome before passing its genes in offspring.

  14. This blog is very usefull to many people. This blog shows about artificial selection on how it works and how it helps humankind. This shows the advantages such as enhancing of an organisms ability for a better result until it continues pass and share its genes to the offspring

  15. The animals on earth are the one who produce products. What we eat, drink or even wear is from the animals. They just improve the quality and uses of that particular animal.But God didn't created the animals for us humans to make have them as a better product. We humans were made for us to take care of these plants and animals. It will only affect the extinction of plants and animals as well as the human's lifestyle.

  16. The blog is useful and it can help to people because artificial selection about the important of animal and plant for us to produce lot of products and It creates new desirable traits for plants and animals. Farmer abd breeder is working hard to fertilize and pesticide the Plants to survive so that can produce products and they need a new breed to continues pass its genes to the offspring. Advsntages improvement of an organism ability for a outcome and maximizing the use of rhe farmland.

  17. Your information about artificial selection is accurate and really helpful but I disagree with your opinion that artificial selection should not be in use. I think your referring to the guys that used artificial selection without proper knowledge that it resulted severe consequences. I think that artificial selection is also in God's mind because artificial selection is used, from the information you got, to change the traits of their plants and animals that can satisfy their needs and makes their lives easier. It's funny though you know that artificial selection is greatly used by the farmers, in poultry raising or in pig raising, you are against of it but you also benefit from this.

  18. This blog is very helpful. We must give importance and take good care of our plants and animals because they are the one who can produce lot of products that we can use in our daily lives and satisfy our needs.

  19. This blog is very informative and useful especially to those people who are engaged in Agricultural Industry. Being able to give the advantages and disadvantages of the said topic is good. With that, readers can think wisely whether to engage to Artificial Selection or not. Also, clipping many pictures makes it appealing to read and easy to understand. In the end, I learned that Artificial Selection is important in terms that people will benefit from it through lots of agricultural produce but should be wise enough because it can affects the economy, environment and God’s plan of creation.

  20. This blog helps people's mind to be more open minded on how our world around us especially the environment and species originated. This blog shows helpful informations about the natural selection and how natural selection contributes to the study of species. I would definitely recommend this site if ever someone needed to learn more about natural selection, its contributions and its advantages. ☺��

  21. Artificial selection is indeed a very modernized technique of producing the traits of plants and animals to satisfy our own entertainment because who wouldn't want to experiment and try new things right? Although, this would be a great advantage for our own entertainment purposes and the economical growth in the field of agriculture, I would sincerely side with you. Artificial Selection should not be prioritized by the economists for it completely tousled the balance of our biodiversity and ruining the balance of our biodiversity would greatly affect our living for we make up the biggest consumers with everything we do.

  22. this blog is very informative and useful for the begginners breeder and for those who are interested in biology it well help them develop their skill in terms of farming, breeding,planting this would be a great help

  23. This blog is very useful and interesting among students like me, it helps to understand more about the study of biology and to develop all there skills in all aspects. It helps to understand things and to be more open minded in surroundings.

  24. This blog is very interesting and so useful in every person who wants to know about artificial selection. I've learned that it can help the farmers and breeders to produce a good quality products. All of us can benefit from it because it can help us in our daily survival.

  25. This blog helps those people who doesn't understand the artificial selection well. We should take care of those things that can make our life more easier. And we can also benefit from those things and it helps us in our daily life and for survival.

  26. Faster evolution. Scientists have used artificial selection to create brands of crops that are more resistant to pesticides or insects that used to reduce yields. Artificial selection of these crops have drastically increased the world's food supply by increasing farmer yields of crops. The only downside of this is that some of these artificial foods have been proven to not be as healthy, which has geared the movement towards organic foods, but without these artificial crops we would not have enough food to feed the world.

  27. This blog shows how people reacts to all living things in the earth. Thats why there is events that species change depends in the environment and the weather. This blog signifies unity,reborn,and new meta.

  28. This blog shows how people reacts to all living things in the earth. Thats why there is events that species change depends in the environment and the weather. This blog is helpful for those who are finding pets that is friendly, and we can know when the food is safe or it has poison or it has a bad effect on our body

  29. This blog is very useful for people who don't really understand what artificial selection is. This explains a lot about how it affected an organism to change or adopt something new to itself. Although this is about plants and animals it's somehow like humans, why? because yes we have eyes,nose,ears,and other body parts but we can also be divided by gender,characteristics,personality,and stuff. Just sayin' cause it's somehow connected to this topic ^_^

  30. I'm in favor of using artificial selection in plants becuase it does not help only the farmers but it helps the other plants to develop new species through breeding. With this method they create new kinds of plants not only in plants but also in animals. They have the same desirable traits so that it can survive through generations

  31. This blog is very useful for people who don't really know or understand artificial selection is. like me this blog helps students to understand biology deeper and all of us can benefit from it because it can help us in our daily life

  32. Hi! :) Your blog is really well done for me. It is very interesting because there is a lot of helpful information, especially for a student like me. I was able to understand artificial selection even more. Thank you for this!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. The blog made me realize the importance of artificial selection. It is important for us to use this in order to increase the number of animals when necessary. Though a lot of people won't agree on this. It can still have a benefit to others as long as they will use it properly.

    Too much of anything won't do any good that is why they should monitor they use of it. I believe it is a good learning for me as I understand this kind of things. Thank you for sharing this information to your readers. :))

  35. Thank you for sharing these things through your blog. I had learn many things. It made me realize the importance of the environment. I hope to read more educational blogs from you. :)

  36. This blog is very helpful to people. It state and discuss the definition, application and importance of artificial selection which is important to different people specialy breeders and farmers that will help them to improve and to be successful on their businesses. Thanks for sharing this educational blog hoping to help more people from this. God bless!!! :)

  37. Hello John, i liked your blogs about biodiversity and artificial selection, it explained it well. I've learned a lot and i realized that artificial selection have an advantages especially for the people but we must think and bear in our mind, it has a disadvantages that will result to a destruction and failure, don't be selfish.Think well before doing something for the sake of all. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge through this educational blogs.I hope i can read more blogs from you. God bless! :) :)

  38. This blog is very interesting.It can help for us to get an idea about artificial selection because it is important to our lifestyle. Artificial selection can breed of plant and animals to produce desirable traits. Also they have a lot of benefits to make it use everyday.And thats all i can say thanks for sharing your informative blogs.:)

  39. Hi! :) Your blog is really well done for me. It is very interesting because there is a lot of helpful information, especially for a student like me. I was able to understand artificial selection even more. Thank you for this!

  40. Through this blog . Ive come to realize that artificial selection was really beneficial to mankind. Hope you continue sharing your knowledge to inspire more people and Godbless :)

  41. I Appriciated your blog john!
    I gained knowledge after I read this blog about artificial selection!
    And they are benefits if we used this kind of method in our daily lives!

    Thank you and Godbless:)

  42. This blog is usefull and I gain knowledge.This blog is beutyfull.This blog give a another information what nature do.This blog is usefull to us.I know how the plant grow and live.

  43. This blog can help students like me. It help me understand thing and our environment. It help me understand artificial selection. It gives me lot of information and it gives me more knowledge

  44. This is a big help for me as a student,because I learn how to choose a good kind of plants and animals.It is a lot of things you learn about this blog especially in species of plants and animals.

  45. This blog help me to know more about artificial selection and it can also help to the farmers to know how to breed plants and i also know that plants and animals can have their change in traits to satisfy the needs of the humans.

  46. Uhm.this blog is very helpful.We must give importance and take good care of our animals and plants beacuse they are the one who can produce alots of product that we use in our daily lives and we get our needs from them so should not abuse it.

  47. This blog is a big help for students like me to know and discover more things about artificial selection because it talks about a lot of knowledgeable things that we could use for our studies.Thanks for sharing blogs like this it helped me a lot hoping that this blog would help more people.God bless

  48. This blog is very useful and helpful, especially to the students because we gain more knowledge about this selection. And I know what is the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection.

  49. This blog is very helpful for students because it gives knowledge about the selection and i want to know more about this selection. I want to know more about animals and biodiversity. Thank you for helping me to understand what is biodiversity.

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  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This blog is very useful and helpful because it gives learning about the biodiversity and artificial selection. And we can discover more about biodiversity. It helps me understand more about our environment. We can know the advantages and disadvantages of this selection. Thank you! It really helps. :)

  53. I found this blog very useful, for us students we have learned a lot on the information and knowledge that you shared to us. It will surely help students like me in the future to learn more about artificial selection. Thanks to you, a lot of farmers and breeders who find a living on planting and breeding animals can use this information you shared.

  54. thanks for this is very helpful for us as a student because in this blog it explains how artificial selection works and also it explain very well... also gives us more information about the topic and the example given in the pictures. well done.

  55. This blog is very interesting and it gives me more knowledge and I learn that natural selection very important to us specialy for breeders and farmers.

  56. thanks john for this very helpful blog. as a student it is very important for us to know more about the artificial selection and its advantages and disadvantages and you also showed to us how it is done.

  57. thanks john for this very helpful blog. as a student it is very important for us to know more about the artificial selection and its advantages and disadvantages and you also showed to us how it is done. - April Ann E. Sioco

  58. thanks for this wonderful and helpful blog. It helps me a lot about the biodiversity and artificial selection. I discovered more about this selection.. Thanks a lot.

  59. You're topic about the artificial selection was very interesting and it gives me idea that i never knew. Reading this blog of yours is very helpful for our discussion in science subject.

  60. I'm thankful that I had the chance to read your blog and had the chance to learn from it, When I read your blog I learned a lot about artificial selection, I learned that their are benefits that you can get from it and also bad effects. We students are thankful that we learned alot from you. Thank you so much :D

  61. Hi Author! Thanks for the nice and informative blog. I really learned a lot in this blog. I hope some students can read this also. And as a student, it gives us some ideas about artificial selection in plants and animals that we can apply in our studies. I also learned that we should give importance to the animals and plants because they are the ones who produce our food that we eat.

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  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. hi author I learned a lot in breeding plants and animals. and about biodiversity and at the same time about artificial selection. thnk you and god bless

  65. Hello there! This blog could really help people or simple students like us in terms of knowing the definition of artificial selection and anything about breeding of plants and animals. I myself have questions that I want to be answered of how does plants and animals differ from each other. Hope to gain more knowledge about biodiversity and artificial selection. Thank you and continue writing. God Bless!

  66. hi author I learned a lot in breeding plants and animals. and about biodiversity and at the same time about artificial selection. thnk you and god bless

  67. Hey! Thank you for this educational blog. It is a great help to us. I learned that artificial selection is a great help to the farmers and breeders to produce a new desirable traits of plants and animals. Thank you for the references that you shared in every topic. I also learned that artificial selection is making a change to the animals and plants by people to satisfy them and to their needs. Although , plants and animals are God's creation, still, God gave them the ability and knowledge to do this even though there are many disadvantages,but it is the people's choice. the important thing is we apply it with the result of advantages. Thank you again. Continue to share your knowledge to us. May God bless you with a more blessings.

  68. Hey John, your blog is very knowledgeable. Thank you for explaining the process of selective breeding.It is very entersting espeacially to us, as a student. Now I know how important plants and animals, so we need to take good care of them and we should not destroy and abuse them. And because of your blog I knew now the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection.

  69. hi.. thank u for the educational blog that u made... when i read it i actually learn something especially about how Artificial selection is commonly used to produce new breeds from the variable offspring of hybrid crosses. It can be accelerated by techniques such as plant tissue culture and the artificial insemination of livestock. Artificial selection can greatly affect the lives of farmers and breeders when they choose the desirable traits for their plants and/or animals such as disease resistance and high crop yield in plants, and high production and new desirable traits in animals... I may not that kind of person that knows how to plant,, but i actually relate about the blog.. thank u very much for the educational blog that you did.. continue making an educational blog.. God bless

  70. Hi! 😊
    I find this blog very educative and interesting among students like us. Interesting in a way that it is composed of many pictures that attracts attention and makes readers easy to understand. Educative in a sense that it taught me a lot about artificial selection, from how it works, how helpful it is, and how beneficial to humankind.
    The blog showed me the complex process of selective breeding and also its effectiveness in terms of livelihood purposes. This is also a reminder for us people how important of animals and plants for us, for they are the source of our daily survival. Indeed, we must still be very wise and open minded in every decisions we go through. Because, it also have disadvantages that can affect or destroy God's creation.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. GODBLESS!

  71. This blog helps those people who need further explanation about biodiversity and artificial selection.We should try to care for those things that makes our life more comfortable. And there are benefits that can give us for our survival in order for us to live. Artificial selection may have advantages and disadvantages the advantage is people will have new breed like new vegetables new fruits and it will also attract new consumers in order for them to buy their product and the disadvantage is the natural creation of God has its less use and extinction.

  72. This blog really great! As a student, it gave us more knowledge if what was the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection. It can also educate people especially us as a student. Thank you for sharing your information in this blog, because of that we gain knowledge on how artificial selection mean to us. Of course, we should give them importance and know how to take good care on our surroundings most especially in our environment.

  73. Hi! I find this blog very interesting and helpful. It adds my learning about biodiversity and artificial selection. I realized that we need to be more open about this selection. It really helps a lot. Thank you! :)

  74. Hi! Thanks for this helpful blog. As a student it is very important for us to know more about the artificial selection. I also learned that we should give importance to the plants and animals because they are the ones who produce our food in our daily lives . And now because of your blog I knew the advantages ad disadvantages of artificial selection. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us . Godbless ☺️

  75. This blog really good and very helpful. And as a student this is very important to discover and learned the artificial selection can greatly affect the lives of plants and animals. Thank you!!! :)

  76. hi! thanks for this blog. so many young student like me can learn about biodiversity and they can pass this lesson and knowledge how the artificial selection can help us. thank you!!!

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  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This blog is very important to learn about the biodiversity and how to attract the students to discover the artificial selection and the advantages and disadvantages. Thank you and God Bless :)

  80. This blog helped us to understand what is artificial selection.Artificial selection is verry important for the farmers and especially in our nature beacause this artifical selection can improve the quality of these plants.As astudent thank you for speading this verry useful blog it helped me a lot to understand what is artificial selection.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Author, I just want to thank you for sharing your knowledge about this certain topic. It is very helpful especially to students like me who doesn't have enough knowledge about artificial selection. I have read the importance of it, especially to farmers.Thank you again, another learning had been added to my mind. God bless!

  83. This blog is helpful to every individual person.It can help us to know and to understand the every definition and the importance of artificial selection..Because of this blog we get some knowledge that can help us to our daily lives..thank you for this wonderful blog....

  84. It is useful to students like us, so thank you author! Now, I am more aware about artificial selection as well as its advantages and disadvantages. I also knew that is it important not only to plants, but also to animals. Thank you again! <3

  85. Hi there, honestly before I openned this blog I came to realized so many things, from the very first place I have no idea of what artificial selection really is. This blog really helps a lot especialy to a student like me who doesnt came to realized the importance of it in our daily lives. Now I have then the idea that will nourished myself with great things about this process. What I really like is that you gave knowledge to whoever will read your blog on how to make sure those traits which are desirable appear in successive generation in order for them to meet the goal they wanted. What I doesnt agree with, is you have said that artificial selection should not be used at all because obviously we do rely on it, especialy the foods we sustained everyday by day. But you really did a great job! Keep it up and hope you continuosly share ideas to student like us! Thank You.

  86. The evidence of evolution is artificial selection. It is used to produce new breeds or varieties of plants and animals.We must give importance and take good care of it because they are the one who can produce some different kinds of products that we can use in our everyday life. Artificial selection is very helpful to human like in agriculture; from low grade varieties of plants can turn into a high quality of plants. By applying this kind of selection it may produce new crops, trees and plants with desirable traits. Now I know what are those advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection. But they must know how to use the appropriate methods in order to have a better outcome in life and have a good production.

  87. Artificial selection is a good source of high quality production for it emphasizes new method or techniques to be applied in order to have a bountiful harvest. It also add knowledge in order to develop high standard of living. Skills courage and patience must always be applied for the better outcome.

  88. This blog is very useful because it supplies new ideas to other people especially to students like us. Through this blog, you will know the importance of plants as well of animals. Thanks to the author of this blog, you make me realize the importance of artificial selection and biodiversity.

  89. hi john! base on what i read on your blog. i learned more about the different new things that can help me as a student. thank you john it is very useful for me as a student because i gained more knowledge about the artificial selection. I really appreciate it and thank you.

  90. This blog is very helpful to all of us especially for those persons who don't have any idea what is artificial selection all about. It gives me information that I can use in my daily life. It gives me satisfaction and appreciation that learning on this kind of topic would really help us to become successful in our future. Thank you for this wonderful blog.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. The blog is very important to all people. It help us to our daily lives. I clearly understand about artificial selection. I also learned that plants and animals are importance to our lives. This blog adds my knowledge about biodiversity and artifical selection. Thank you and God Bless.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Wow! what an ariticle. It helps me a lot. Now I have enough knowledge about the natural selection and selective breeding. When the time comes, when I am already a businesswoman I can use this technique of selective breeding to make my business more bountiful. We can also use this in our daily lives. Thankyou for sharing these ideas. Godbless.

  95. good day John, thank you for this blog. in this blog I've learn that artificial selection is a big help for our environment. it helps the farmers and the breeders to change or discover the new traits of their plants and animals. it also helps to satisfy their needs and makes their life easier. and you can easily identify the advantages and disadvantages within this blog. with this article I can only say that this is very useful, knowledgeable and interesting for a student like me for sure. it helps us to verify what artificial selection is, we gain another knowledge aside from our book but also by this blog. we understand more and we know now how does it help in our environment.
    that's all thank you john and god bless.

  96. good day John, thank you for this blog. in this blog I've learn that artificial selection is a big help for our environment. it helps the farmers and the breeders to change or discover the new traits of their plants and animals. it also helps to satisfy their needs and makes their life easier. and you can easily identify the advantages and disadvantages within this blog. with this article I can only say that this is very useful, knowledgeable and interesting for a student like me for sure. it helps us to verify what artificial selection is, we gain another knowledge aside from our book but also by this blog. we understand more and we know now how does it help in our environment.
    that's all thank you john and god bless.

  97. Thank you for this blog.. Now, I know what is artificial selection though at first I have no idea about it but because of this blog I learned and It really help me a lot. thank you!

  98. This blog is very helpful because if you are a farmer or if you want to plant fruits and vegetables in your backyard and/or take care of farm animals like pigs and chicken.You can use the artificial selection to gain more pork meats,poultry meats, fruits and vegetables. If i will make a business like meat shop,fruit and vegetable stand or a small restaurant this is very useful to me.

  99. Hello! This blog is very helpful for people like me who don't fully understand what artificial selection is. This taught me a lot about how artificial selection affected organisms to change or adopt. Although this is about plants and animals it's somehow like in humans. Thank you for this informative article.

  100. This blog is very useful and informative through this blog we will know the process how humans use animal and plant breeding in developing phenotypictraits. :)

  101. I Would like to say thank you for this blog. it help me a lot and i know what is artificial selection is all about and their are some important details that people must know.a great blog. God bless!!!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. This blog is very helpful and useful especially to a students like me. It helps me to understand more about our environment. I learned also a remainder for us people how important of an animals and plants for us for they are the source of our daily lives. Now i knew more about artificial selection and also the advantages and disadvantages. Thank you and Godbless

  104. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  105. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  106. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  107. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  108. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  109. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  110. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  111. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  112. Thank you for this blog. It is very important to humankind because of this blog we can apply the idea on our daily lives. And because of this blog we can get more information on how it works in our lifes.

  113. hI!! tHANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG such a great to enyone else out there to conquer more ideas about the artificial selection appropriate for the benefit of environment. That's all God bless

  114. Thankyou for this blog. Now I know what is artificial selection all about. Hands down to the one who wrote this blog. It will helps me so much. Godbless.

  115. thank you for sharing this knowledge about artificial selection. I've gained knowledge about the disadvantages and advantages of artificial selection, not only to plants but also to animals. I also appreciate the things that you've shared in this blog because students like us who doesn't have enough knowledge about it can help us to add more information in our mind. We can also apply this our daily live so I am very thankful and lucky to discover this information. Thank you and God bless!

  116. This blog is very useful to other person especially to students like us. It adds our learning about the artificial selection and biodiversity

  117. Good day! I just want to thank you for sharing this kind of information in a blog. It's rare to find scientific information in a blog, so again thank you! I've gained more knowledge about the topic (artificial selection) and its importance to us and to animals and even plants. Especially to farmers, because it is important if they know artificial selection or not. I hope you'll continue to write blogs that will help students like us. Thank you and God bless. ^^

  118. I really learned new things about your blog. I'm very thankful that you have published this kind of topic about artificial selection of plants and animals. Of course, it has a lot of advantages that is really a big help for the farmers as well as the plants and animals but we have to remember the negative effect that may cause danger to them. Not all artificial is good and always bare in mind that we have to let all things line the way it used to. It is very helpful to students like me to have knowledge about it. Thank you and God bless.

  119. hi, thank you for this blog , through this it help me gain mo knowledge. It is very useful for students like me. I hope people could read this so that they'll learned new things that I haven't encounter yet. God speed, may the Lord bless you

  120. hey john! thanks a lot because of so much information that we gain in this blog. I hope that the method of artificial selection will be use appropriately by those farmers in order to have a better life.

  121. thanks to this blog because it gives more information about our environment .

  122. thanks to this blog because it gives more information about our environment .

  123. thanks to this blog because it gives more information about our environment .

  124. The blog is very helpful.I learned a lot.It adds my knowledge about artificial selection. This blog is very important because we can apply this idea in our daily lives.And because of this blog we can get more informations to help our life more easier.

  125. Your blog is very interesting. I have learned new things and it really helps me a lot in regards to artificial selection. I also learned what are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection. Thank you so much and God Bless You.

  126. This blog is helpful to all person. Especially to a student like me. It helps to gain more knowledge about the artificial selection. It is very helpful to every individual person to know the importance of artificial selection. Thank for sharing your knowledge cause it helps a lot.

  127. In this blog we can see the cycling and the evolution and breading of animals and plants.It's help the people know what kind of animals and plants that combined and cycling of that species.

  128. Hi guys first of all, thank you for sharing your knowledge and ideas about Artificial Selection, because through this blog it helps me to understand more about Artificial Selection, that Artificial Selection can be useful for human kinds, especially to all farmers. This blog is very helpful especially to a student like me. Thanks for sharing your ideas, God Bless, xoxo <3

  129. this blog is very helpful and useful for me as a student because we can learn more about different kinds of animals and plants in our environment.thank you and god bless

  130. Hi! Good day! I've learned a lot about this blog. It is very helpful to the farmers and breeders in using artificial selection which stated in this blog. Not only in the farmers but also to those people who wants to produce their plants and animals in great number. Thank you for sharing this knowledge. God bless.

  131. this blog is very helpful for all person especially to a student because they can learn more about artificial selection. thanks for sharing your knowledge about artificial selection. this blog can help in our daily lives. godbless and thank you

  132. Hi. This blog help a lot to other people. learned something on your blog. Thanks for sharing it to us. Through this blog I know the importance of artificial selection and biodiversity.

  133. Hi. This blog help a lot to other people. learned something on your blog. Thanks for sharing it to us. Through this blog I know the importance of artificial selection and biodiversity.

  134. hi john
    thank you for this blog because of this we can know more about our environment.thank you for sharing with us your knowledge.God bless

  135. Hi. Thank you this blog that helped us to know more about artificial selection. I really appreciate your efforts that you even share this kind of blog. I know it help other people most especially the farmers that can satisfy their needs or knowledge in this kind of matter. Thank you and God Bless.

  136. Thank you so much for the person who build up this blog. It is very prominent for us to discern the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection,especially for those men who need some information for their hasty necessity. This is well appreciated. Thank you again and Godbless.

  137. Hey, your blog is very much well done. Currently, as you already know, artificial selection commonly benefits farmers because of much better crops. It solves their problems though this is too good to be a good thing because there is already talks about its disadvantages and its risk.We should be very careful on using artificial selection. There should be limits on its usage.

  138. Your blog did really helped a lot. Thought as it is said that artificial selected did have its advantages, we should still consider its severe consequences. It is advisable to weigh the advantages and disadvantages so you can come together to find a solution that helps the world with meeting its needs into the future.

  139. Hello there, really appreciate your blog. Was really helpful to students like me for research purposes. Through this blog, I've learned the advantages and the disadvantages of artificial selection. Also, thank you for sharing your knowledge about artificial selection on how it is/will become beneficial to the farmers as they plant their crops. Keep up the good work, God bless you.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. Hi. I really appreciate your efforts that you even share this kind of blog. This blog is very helpful for all person especially to a student because they can learn more about artificial selection. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about artificial selection. This blog can help in our daily lives.

  142. Hi, Thank you for sharing what you know in this blog. Through this blog, i understand the importance of artificial selection. I also learned the advantages and disadvantges of artificial selection.I also appreciate the things that you've shared in this blog because students like us who doesn't have enough knowledge about it can help us to add more information in our mind. Keep sharing your knowledge with us and God bless you duy!

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. This blog is very helpful for people like me who don't fully understand what artificial selection is. This taught me a lot about how artificial selection affected organisms to change or adopt. Although this is about plants and animals it's somehow like in humans. The blog is very important to all people. It help us to our daily lives. I clearly understand about artificial selection. I also learned that plants and animals are importance to our lives. This blog adds my knowledge about biodiversity and artificial selection. Thank you and Godbless!

  145. Hi, thank you so much for sharing your take on artificial selection. I am a student and your blog really helped me bu giving these information. Artificial selection shouldn't be taken easily. It is very important in our lives and also in our economy. But, like as what you've said, artificial selection has it's own positive and negative sides. Sure it can be a great contribution to biodiversity but the world "artificial" holds on many risk especially in medical terms. nevertheless, it is very vital especially in the side of farmers/agriculturists. I am really looking forward for more of your blogs. Good speed!

  146. Hi Mr. John! Your blog is really a great aid to students especially to those who has a hard time in understanding a certain topic when not discussed thoroughly. I have learned the advantages of artificial selection, and I can say that this innovation is a huge help for us humans. However, contradictions inevitably pave its way to oppose such mindful thoughts. Yet, like what you have mentioned: It creates new desirable traits for plants and animals; Animals can produce a lot of products (ex. pigs produce meat, hens produce eggs, and cows produce milk); Farmers and breeders can attract a lot of consumers by selling their plants and the products produced by animals in their new desirable trait; Artificial selection rules out weakness and disability. Personally, I can say that these benefits outsmart the disadvantages of the issue. For me, in our generation today, the best thing we can do to defeat the limited resources and the competition in demand is to make substitutes and this idea is nevertheless a genius. The thing we have to always put in mind is to be practical because we are only human and we don't know until when we are going to last in this world, so we have to always think of our tomorrow's benefits to be able to have comfort today.
    That is all, I hope you continue on making blogs like this. Very helpful, an ease since not all subject are explained thoroughly in between book pages.

  147. hi! thanks for this blog. so many young student like me can learn about biodiversity and they can pass this lesson and knowledge how the artificial selection can help us. thank you!!!

  148. Hello, these information really helped me in my studies. My knowledge about artificial selection and biodiversity had been improved. Artificial maybe helpful especially to the farmers but it also has its disadvantages. This is such a great knowledge and thank you for sharing it. People will be reminded so that they won't abuse in using artificial selection. I hope you will continue to share and God bless!

  149. How useful and influential this blog was! This blog showed that selective breeding not only known for its complex process but also for its effectiveness in terms of livelihood purposes. Through this blog, I've come to realize that artificial selection was really beneficial to mankind. Advantages such as improvement and enhancing of an organism's ability for a better outcome until it continues to pass its genes to the offspring. Thank you for sharing us an informative blog. Hope you continue sharing your knowledge to inspire more people.

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. Hi! thank you for sharing your blog I really appreciate it. This blog is a big help for students like me to know and discover more things about artificial selection because it talks about a lot of knowledgeable things that we could use for our studies.Thanks for sharing blogs like this it helped me a lot, hoping that this blog would help more people.

    1. (ಥ_ಥ) 。゜(`Д´)゜。
      Sooo inspirational!!(sarcasm)

  152. Hi, Mr. John. I would like to extend you my biggest gratitude for sharing your knowledge on artificial selection. It has been a great help to a student like me who doesn't have enough knowledge about it.

  153. This blog helps people who need further explanation about biodiversity and artificial selection. It gave accurate information especially to students like me. I have learned that both artificial and natural selection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Our generation today is more privileged because we experience a better life and enjoy due to the advancement of the technology. We should not take the things for granted, especially the things we are blessed with today. Each of us must do our part, that is to be God's steward on all His wonderful creations. Help protect and preserve our biodiversity in order for the future generations to see how great our God is! God bless everyone!

  154. Hey! What a great job on this blog, first of all I want to thank your effort and time in putting this blog, this contained a lot of information in which it helped me understand the way how artificial selection in plants and animals work, it's advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly how you have given sufficient information for a complete novice on artificial selection to understand this particular topic, it amazed me on how time consuming and complex the process of artificial selection takes, as a student myself this blog greatly moved me as how this certain topic can be very enticing, the fact that all of the facts posted are of quality makes us students greatly appreciate this kind of blog, I once again would thank you for an outstanding job on this blog and I hope that you continue to share your knowledge to the world by means of quality blogs like this one! Thank you Mr. John

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. This blog shows how people reacts to all living things in the earth. Thats why there is events that species change depends in the environment and the weather. This blog is helpful for those who are finding pets that is friendly, and we can know when the food is safe or it has poison or it has a bad effect on our body.
    -Duenas gwapo <3

  157. Hi.thank you for this blog because of this we can know more about our environment.thank you for sharing with us your knowledge.It helps to gain more knowledge about the artificial selection. It is very helpful to every individual person to know the importance of artificial selection.


  158. Thanks for this informative blog. It help me understand about our lesson on artificial selection. Artificial selection can be beneficial o farmers as it help them increase their production and the quality of their products, however this is expensive and only rich farmer can afford. This can have an advantage and disadvantage. One of the disadvantage you are emphasizing is that it is not according to God's plan of creation. Yes, I agree with you because God's plan is always in its natural way with no human nor artificial invention, because everything happened according to His plan.

  159. I found this blog very useful, for us students we have learned a lot on the information and knowledge that you shared to us. It will surely help students like me in the future to learn more about artificial selection. Thanks to you, a lot of farmers and breeders who find a living on planting and breeding animals can use this information you shared.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. This blog is very helpful especially for us students.. reading this blog would make us understand more about artificial selection and how it works on organisms. Though this is advantageous to farmers in producing better crops, still it has a negative effect. Limits in using this technique must be practiced since it might also cause severe damages..I've also learned that artificial selection is an example of an evidence of evolution however its still hard to believe for other people how it was confirmed that this kind of practice proves that evolution among organism really occurs. By the way thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  162. This blog is very helpful especially for us students.. reading this blog would make us understand more about artificial selection and how it works on organisms. Though this is advantageous to farmers in producing better crops, still it has a negative effect. Limits in using this technique must be practiced since it might also cause severe damages..I've also learned that artificial selection is an example of an evidence of evolution however its still hard to believe for other people how it was confirmed that this kind of practice proves that evolution among organism really occurs. By the way thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. This blog is very helpful especially for us students.. reading this blog would make us understand more about artificial selection and how it works on organisms. Though this is advantageous to farmers in producing better crops, still it has a negative effect. Limits in using this technique must be practiced since it might also cause severe damages..I've also learned that artificial selection is an example of an evidence of evolution however its still hard to believe for other people how it was confirmed that this kind of practice proves that evolution among organism really occurs. By the way thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  165. This blog is so informative! I get to know that artificial selection does not only mate organisms so that their offspring will have the desired characterisitcs, but it is also a natural procedure causing the evolution of organisms to best adapt to their own environment. The favourable trait from the parents then get passed down to their offspring. And that artificial selection shouldn't be an enormous threat to nature just because it gives humans the power to direct it's course to some extent. Artficial selection really benefited us , it makes our living easier through creating variations in different forms. We, organisms, produces many offspring. And I agree that, artificial selection can remove variation from a population, thus causing less productivity in ecosystems through the reduction of biodiversity. However when you stated that artificial selection allows animals and plants to be healthier, this is not altogether true. Though some genes chosen can allow plants to be more disease resistant, most uses of artificial selection causes the animal to become genetically weaker, an example that is shown in dog breeding. Thats all. Your post was very intetresting to read. :)

  166. This blog is so informative! I get to know that artificial selection does not only mate organisms so that their offspring will have the desired characterisitcs, but it is also a natural procedure causing the evolution of organisms to best adapt to their own environment. The favourable trait from the parents then get passed down to their offspring. And that artificial selection shouldn't be an enormous threat to nature just because it gives humans the power to direct it's course to some extent. Artficial selection really benefited us , it makes our living easier through creating variations in different forms. We, organisms, produces many offspring. And I agree that, artificial selection can remove variation from a population, thus causing less productivity in ecosystems through the reduction of biodiversity. However when you stated that artificial selection allows animals and plants to be healthier, this is not altogether true. Though some genes chosen can allow plants to be more disease resistant, most uses of artificial selection causes the animal to become genetically weaker, an example that is shown in dog breeding. Even though this are some cons on artificial selection, but it is still necessary for all of us. Thats all. Your post was very interesting to read. :)

  167. Dear Mr. John, I hope you could read my comment. I am a Grade 10 student in the Philippines, and your blog about the biodiversity and especially the artificial selection has been a great help not just to my studies but also to my family, my father is a farmer, he owns a land and plants crops there, and the truth is I don't find biodiversity and evolution that interesting, but once our teacher was teaching this to us, as I read the book which I shouldn't have, everything changed, I found it interesting, and I was amazed by how artificial and natural selection works. We were asked by our teacher to do some research and visit some blogs about biodiversity an natural selection and I have repeatedly read your blog, 'cuz I was just too amazed. I somehow hoped that I too, myself, could have my own blog in where I could write what I have learned about biodiversity. thank you so much for creating a blog and sharing to us what you know. you have been a great help.

  168. Hello John! I thank you for making this blog, it helped me a lot because i have learned many things about artificial selection and how it improves crops and organisms. Artificial selection really helped both the farmers and other raw producing companies, it helped them by multiplying the products like artificially made Pigs, these animals can now produce more meat than any normal pigs. Now I know that it has also disadvantages and can cause harm and danger to people. It also contradicts God's perfect creations, how it's made naturally and by Him only.Thank you very much John! I really appreciate your work, Keep it up! God Bless!

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. Hi Mr John, Im very thankful that I had the chance to read your blog and had the chance to learn from it. Your blog is very helpful and a really great aid to the students like me and to those students who has a hard time in understanding a certain topic when not discussed very well. I have learned that both artificial and natural selection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Artificial is very helpful especially to the farmers but it also has its own disadvantages. Nowadays, we are more privileged because we are experienced a better life and enjoy the advancement of technology. This blog will be reminded the people so that they wont abuse in using it. Thank you very much I learned a lot and I hope you will continue to share your blog and God Bless.

  171. Hello, John. Thank you so much for this wonderful info about artificial selection. I've learned a lot. This really helped me for my studies. I learned that artificial selection is advantageous for the farmers nowadays. I also learned that artificial selection is an evidence for evolution. That's all. Once again, thank you for the helpful info ��

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. Hi Mr. John, Thank you for sharing us these information! This blog is so informative. This can really help so many people and especially to us, students. Artificial selection can be beneficial to farmers as it help them increase their production and the quality of their products, however this is expensive and only rich farmer can afford.I have learned that artificial and natural selection has advantages and disadvantages. This blog shows how people reacts to all living things in the earth. That's why there is events that species change depends in the environment and the weather. Once again, thank you so much for sharing us so much information. It really helped us so much and learn more about these things. God bless and Thank you so much! ;)

  175. I found this blog very useful, for us students we have learned a lot on the information and knowledge that you shared to us. It will surely help students like me in the future to learn more about artificial selection. Thanks to you, a lot of farmers and breeders who find a living on planting and breeding animals can use this information you shared

    - Dream Jian Plasquita

  176. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  177. I found this blog very useful, for us students we have learned a lot on the information and knowledge that you shared to us. It will surely help students like me in the future to learn more about artificial selection. Thanks to you, a lot of farmers and breeders who find a living on planting and breeding animals can use this information you shared

  178. I thought your blog was really well done. There was a lot of helpful background information and you had some great opinions. I think as long as humans don't go crazy with the artificial selection technology that we have then things won't get out of hand however you're right, but I also think we don't need to be interfering with another animal's gene pool to suit or needs.thank you and God bless!

  179. I thought your blog was really well done. There was a lot of helpful background information and you had some great opinions. I think as long as humans don't go crazy with the artificial selection technology that we have then things won't get out of hand however you're right, but I also think we don't need to be interfering with another animal's gene pool to suit or needs.thank you and God bless!

  180. Thank you for sharing this knowledge about artificial selection. I've gained knowledge about the disadvantages and advantages of artificial selection, not only to plants but also to animals. I also appreciate the things that you've shared in this blog because students like us who doesn't have enough knowledge about it can help us to add more information in our mind. We can also apply this our daily live so I am very thankful and lucky to discover this information. Thank you and God bless!

  181. This comment has been removed by the author.

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. Hello John, this is a very informative and very well done blog! I would have phrased some things differently, and some phrases I didn't quite understand, but overall it was a very good blog. I don't agree though that artificial selection should not be used at all, because in our current situation, society has a dependence on artificial selection, and the food that it produces. I know this because I live in a poor country that is lacking of food. An alternative to stopping it completely is to use it more thoughtfully and responsibly. I found it odd that you have more evidence supporting artificial selection in your blog than evidence against, so I don't know where you got your opinion from. There is no denying the numerous strong points of artificial selection, like the ones you have described quite well in this blog, and that is why we can't stop it completely. You have not really given any of its weak points though, but they are numerous as well. I disagree that it is not God's plan for creation, because if it wasn't, wouldn't he stop it? I believe it is part of God's plan, because everything happens for a reason and is part of God's plan. Thank you and God bless!

  184. It's better to have artificial selection to have new living things, and discoveries. The process of more useful for environment and the bad things happened on it and it should be balance when your going to breed.

  185. This blog is very informative about the artificial selection. I'm grateful that this tactics and techniques are invented. Now there are many plants that are easily to produce and helping us to survive in everyday life. The farmers and breeders chooses those plants because of their capability to grow in an environment that we lived. But there still a negative effects done by artificial selection. We are very dependent of this tactics. Forgetting that there's natural selection that makes living things as it is.

  186. thank you for this blog. in this blog I've learn that artificial selection is a big help for our environment. it helps the farmers and the breeders to change or discover the new traits of their plants and animals. it also helps to satisfy their needs and makes their life easier. and you can easily identify the advantages and disadvantages within this blog. with this article I can only say that this is very useful, knowledgeable and interesting for a student like me for sure. it helps us to verify what artificial selection is, we gain another knowledge aside from our book but also by this blog. we understand more and we know now how does it help in our environment.
    that's all thank you john and god bless.

  187. Good Day Mr. John! This blog of yours is so informative and very useful to me as a student and as a human being. As I was reading your blog, more informations and knowledge and much more understanding came to me. It made me realize how amazing and unique the species are, that there are some aspects of their DNA that can be altered and how amazing their bodies adopt. And with these alterations, it also made me realize how amazing human intelligence are and how it never stops increasing, to realize these specific things in a specie. And with these all information, I conclude how majestic my God is who created these amazing stuffs.

  188. Hi John, thanks for the informative and interesting blog! I would have phrases some things differently, and some phrases I didn't quite understand, but overall it was a good blog. I don't agree though that artificial selection should not be used at all, because in our current situation, society has a dependence on artificial selection, and the food that it produces. An alternative to stopping it completely is to use it more thoughtfully and responsibly. I found it odd that you have more evidence supporting artificial selection in your blog than evidence against, so I don't know where you got your opinion from. There is no denying the numerous strong points of artificial selection, like the ones you have described quite well in this blog,and that is why we can't stop it completely. You have not really given any of it's weak points though, but they are numerous as well. I disagree that it is not God's plan for creation, because if it wasn't, wouldn't he stop it? I believe it is part of God's plan, because everything happens for a reason and is part of God's plan.The blog is useful and it can help to people because artificial selection about the important of animal and plant for us to produce lot of products and It creates new desirable traits for plants and animals. Farmer abd breeder is working hard to fertilize and pesticide the Plants to survive so that can produce products and they need a new breed to continues pass its genes to the offspring. Advantages improvement of an organism ability for a outcome and maximizing the use of the farmland. :)

  189. Hi John. I thought your blog was really well done. There was a lot of helpful background information and you had some great opinions.
    I agree, artificial selection can remove variation from a population, thus causing less productivity in ecosystems through the reduction of biodiversity. However when you stated that artificial selection allows animals and plants to be healthier, this is not altogether true. Though some genes chosen can allow plants to be more disease resistant, most uses of artificial selection causes the animal to become genetically weaker.
    I think as long as humans don't go crazy with the artificial selection technology that we have then things won't get out of hand however you're right, we don't need to be interfering with another animal's gene pool to suit or needs.
    But overall, your post was very good and it was very interesting to read it helped me a lot thanks.


  190. Your information about artificial selection is accurate and really helpful but I disagree with your opinion that artificial selection should not be in use. I think your referring to the guys that used artificial selection without proper knowledge that it resulted severe consequences. I think that artificial selection is also in God's mind because artificial selection is used, from the information you got, to change the traits of their plants and animals that can satisfy their needs and makes their lives easier. It's funny though you know that artificial selection is greatly used by the farmers, in poultry raising or in pig raising, you are against of it but you also benefit from this.

  191. I thought your blog was really well done. There was a lot of helpful background information and you had some great opinions. I like how you related artificial selection to designer babies because they do have many things in common.
